乐考无“纸”境 “双减”趣无穷 ——崇州市学府小学校开展一、 湖南新宁县安山乡强化源头管控打好蓝天保卫战 湖南武冈开展“6·26”国际禁毒日宣传活动 芬琳漆绘就中芬友谊,环保色彩跨越时代 全网热议三翼鸟《超时空改造家》:爆改卧室定制生活与爱 西班牙金银器艺术在中国的20年|艺术家帕洛玛·桑切斯作品回顾展在 今年暑期各地将举办超4000项文旅消费活动 我国将对塞尔维亚实施自由贸易协定关税减让 中央军委原委员、原国务委员兼国防部长魏凤和受到开除党籍处分 一名毒瘾青年的内心独白 “人人讲安全 个个会应急——畅通生命通道” 智慧赋能“三美” 打造“智治”新场景 |成都高新区:铁像寺水街街 衡南县商务局开展“健康人生 绿色无毒 ”禁毒警示教育主题活动 “学法小公民”捐书普法宣传公益行走进武汉市东西湖区金银湖街道 赞!义乌这个小区被评为市园林式居住区 绍兴文理学院附属医院第二届保洁服务技能大比武圆满举办! 郑州日产纳瓦拉越野版,开启你的无畏人生 建筑企业的工作搭子 星海V9,承载多娃家庭欢笑,舒适出行每一步 第七届枸杞产业博览会圆满闭幕 没来大姨妈,肚子却疼得厉害?家恩德运提醒您要注意了! 再获嘉奖|白玉兰酒店荣获“2023年度轻中端酒店MBI十强品牌” 茶滘街道检查垃圾分类工作 垃圾分一分,环境美十分 茶滘街道凤溪社区掀起“志愿百日行”垃圾分类入户宣传热潮 大手拉小手,垃圾分类“童”步走 茶滘街道葵蓬社区积极开展垃圾分类宣传活动 巧用雪天生态盐 唤醒夏日味蕾新体验 点燃乡村全面振兴的“人才引擎” 扬子江药业集团深耕健康产业全面助力健康中国建设 “实”字为要抓减负 开展消防实战演练,筑牢小区安全防线 深学细悟纪律规矩,在求实求是中“知敬畏” 年轻干部要学习时刻充实自己,以应对新时代的挑战 整治形式主义,为基层减负 七旬老人左眼角膜白斑致视力受损 合肥爱尔通过角膜移植助其重获 精准科学选人,建好优秀人才“蓄水池” LAIFE乐梵科技力量,引领抗炎新潮流 农发行滦南县支行组织开展2024年利率宣传活动 中国农业发展银行滦南县支行开展存款保险集中宣传活动 道法润心 快乐成长 农发行滦南县支行组织开展项目公司股权转让情况排查工作 中国农业发展银行滦南县支行开展“征信修复”专项治理宣传工作 有纪律才有力量 未来已至,清睿智能邀您共赴智能自习室的蓝海之旅 遇见科学,遇见美好 农发行滦南县支行优化对客服务做好银企对账工作 滦南农发行扎实做好库存检查全力保障粮食安全 农发行滦南县支行助力粮食收购做好政策性粮食收储资金保障 农发行滦南县开展中草药种植调研活动

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  6月19日,艺术家帕洛玛·桑切斯作品回顾展在西班牙驻华大使馆举办 。本次展览以“西班牙金银器艺术在中国的20年——从北京到佛罗伦萨双年展”为主题,回顾了帕洛玛·桑切斯女士在中国二十年的创作生涯,通过作品构筑中西文化交流的桥梁,赞颂了西班牙金银器艺术在中国的卓越成就。

  On June 19th, a retrospective exhibition of  artist  Paloma Sanchez's works was held at the Spanish Embassy in China . The exhibition, titled "20 Years of Spanish Goldsmith in China: From Beijing to the Florence Biennale", highlights the excellence of Spanish goldsmith in China through the 20-year career in this country of Spanish GIA ( Gemological Institute of America) graduate gemologist and art jewelry designer Paloma Sanchez, and the cultural bridge she has built b etween Spain and China through her creations, celebrating the remarkable achievements of Spanish Goldsmith in China.




    帕洛玛·桑切斯是GIA(美国宝石学院研究院)宝石学家和珠宝设计师。 作为宝石学专家,她游历世界,亲身前往宝石出产国矿区,只为发掘顶级品质的矿物标本和独一无二的宝石。作为可穿戴艺术珠宝设计师,她经常与中国知名金银器艺术大师合作。2008年12月,帕洛玛于中国北京创立了自己的品牌——Paloma Sanchez高级艺术珠宝,并先后在北京、巴黎和迪拜开设了珠宝艺廊。同时,她也是一位享誉世界的宝石投资顾问,在宝石学领域拥有30多年经验。

    Paloma Sanchez  is GIA (Gemological Institute of America)  gemologist and designer. As an expert gemologist, she seeks quality specimens and exquisite stones worldwide, traveling directly to gem mines in producing countries. As a designer of "Wearable Art", she regularly collaborates with renowned Chinese master goldsmiths. She founded her brand, Paloma Sanchez, The Art of Jewelry, in December 2008 in Beijing, China. Following the opening of the first gallery in Beijing, the brand settled in Paris and Dubai. She is also a globally recognized gemstone investment advisor with 30 years of experience in the field.



  Paloma Sanchez delivering a speech

  本次展览汇集了艺术家帕洛玛的历年代表作及国际大奖作品 ,特别是带有中国文化印记的作品及与中国金银器大师合作的杰作,展示了她根植于自然的设计理念、对故乡和中国的热爱以及对气候变化的思考。

  This retrospective includes representative pieces from her collections over the years, as well as internationally award-winning pieces , especially emphasizing those with a marked Chinese cultural influence or created in collaboration with prominent Chinese goldsmiths. The exhibition shows the essence of the designer's art, rooted in nature, and her divided love b etween her European origins and her host country, China, and her philosophy, deeply engaged in climate challenges.

    帕洛玛·桑切斯的设计仿佛是一场与宝石、金、银的雅谈 ,将深厚的伊比利亚文化、东方魅力、藏传珍宝、清代色彩、五行哲学(金、木、水、火、土)、昆曲之声交织融合。她充满灵性的设计将一件件作品从单纯的饰物转化为独一无二、富有个性的护身符。

    Paloma Sanchez crafts her designs with a graceful dialogue among gemstones, gold, and silver , under a tapestry of hues drawn from deep Iberian roots. This is seamlessly interwoven with the allure of the East, the storied heritage of Tib et, the refined colors of the Qing dynasty, the philosophical depth of the five elements—metal, wood, water, fire, and earth, and the melodious strains of Kunqu Opera. The spirituality that emanates from her design goes beyond mere decoration or object, transforming each piece into a talisman with identity.










  Part of exhibited art works

  应大使致敬东道主国中国的愿望,帕洛玛·桑切斯构思创作的文化表演于展览期间上演。该表演结合了中国最古老的剧种昆曲与西班牙文学的里程碑作品《堂吉诃德》 ,二者皆为国家瑰宝,也是世界文化遗产,象征东西方文化的和谐交融。这一文化融合展现了不同文化特色如何互补增益,让我们以更广阔的视野欣赏中西文化的美和复杂性。

  Following the Ambassador's wish to honor the host country, China, Paloma Sanchez conceived and created a cultural performance that was staged during the exhibition, which intertwines Kunqu and Don Quixote, both national treasures and universal cultural heritages . Such a fusion demonstrates how diverse cultural identities can complement and enrich each other, offering a broader appreciation of the beauty and complexity of both cultures.




  Kunqu performance

  本次展览不仅是她个人创作生涯的回顾,更是中西文化交流的盛会 ,为未来艺术交流带来新的启示与动力。

  This exhibition is not only a retrospective of her creative journey but also a grand celebration of cultural exchange b etween China and Spain , offering new inspiration and momentum for future artistic collaborations.



  H.E. Marta B etanzos, Spanish Ambassador to China delivering a speech

    西班牙驻华大使玛尔塔·贝坦索斯阁下 在展览中强调,“这20年西班牙金银器艺术在中国并非偶然。”“这是因为西班牙有许多伟大的艺术家。而在这个丰富多样的艺术世界中,金银器艺术可能是最鲜为人知的。”“在这场展览中,我们通过帕洛玛·桑切斯的诠释,目睹了东方和西方元素巧妙融合的艺术成果。”

  During the presentation, H.E. Marta B etanzos, the Ambassador of Spain to China , emphasized, "These 20 years of Spanish goldsmithing in China are not a matter of chance." "They are the result of Spain having many great artists. Within our diverse and richly varied artistic world, goldsmithing may be the least known." "Here, we witness an art that is the product of an intriguing fusion b etween East and West, interpreted through the unique vision of Paloma Sanchez."




  The exhibition has received widespread acclaim from ambassadors, diplomats, executives of Chinese and international multinational companies and leaders of GAC (Gems and Jewelry Association of China), among others. It also attracted significant attention from both Chinese and international media.


  Guests from other countries (UK, New Zealand), from HK and many other cities in China, all long-time admirers and collectors of Paloma’s creations, came to Beijing solely to attend the exhibition.

  欢迎关注Paloma Sanchez高级艺术珠宝工作室的官方社交媒体,获取更多关于我们的创作与活动信息。

  Follow Paloma Sanchez, The Art of Jewelry on our official social media for more information about our creations and events.



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